How to Make Pumpkin Spice Latte - Cooking - Handimania

How to Make Pumpkin Spice Latte - Cooking - Handimania


It's so difficult to get up when it's gray outside, especially when you look at the clock and it hasn't struck 6 a.m yet. The mood for the whole day, usually, depends on the morning that's why we usually start the day with something as delicious as a vegetable shake with garlic or a nutritious Oatmeal.

But if you need a really grounding and energetic start of the day (as I lately need), I highly recommend having a cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte. The Slow Cooker came up with this excellent aromatic recipe to get a perfect kick off. Your whole body will be ready to have a wonderful day after drinking this brew.

Do you have any recipes for gray autumn mornings? Make sure you don't hide them only for yourself!

Check out the recipe on The Slow Cooker.

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