What is the proper attire for the FOB? | MS Bridal Guru

What is the proper attire for the FOB? | MS Bridal Guru


Dear The Bridal Guru,

What is the proper attire for the father of the bride? The groom and groomsmen are wearing gray tuxedos. I think my father should wear a tux as well, but I don't want him to look exactly like the groomsmen. Should his tux also be gray?


Mississippi Bride

Dear Mississippi Bride,

Yes, it is OK for your Dad wear a different tuxedo from the groom and groomsmen. There are no hard and fast rules. He does not have to wear a gray tuxedo and he does not have to wear the same tuxedo as your groom and his groomsmen.

If he wants to wear the gray tuxedo like the other men and you still want him to look different, have him in a different tie or boutonniere.

Your father may prefer a more traditional black tuxedo. That is fine. After all, he is the Father of the Bride!

The Bridal Guru

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