Spring Clean Your Beauty Routine

Spring Clean Your Beauty Routine


The blossoms are out, and the baby birds are chirping. Mother Nature is turning over a new leaf, and it's about time we followed suit. Spring cleaning is upon us, whether we like it or not. For most people, this means rummaging through closets and drawers, purging anything they no longer need and organizing everything they do. Since our closets and drawers are full of beauty products galore, we not only need to clean out our drawers, but we also need to reevaluate our beauty and skincare routines. This is a great time to clean your beauty tools and to toss out anything old, unused or ineffective. Overwhelmed? Don't worry, we'll show you where to start.

Decide what to keep. Just because you've had your favorite hair brush forever doesn't mean you should hang on to it. Sure, it's been trustworthy and reliable, but it's also beginning to damage your strands because it's ratty and frayed. Check out our handy guide on how to decide what's worth keeping and what's not.

Organize your makeup. Having a vast makeup collection hardly does a girl any good if she can't ever find something when she needs it. We've got some great pointers for you on how to best organize your makeup.

Beautify your vanity. Prettify the place where you make yourself pretty. By decorating your vanity or bathroom counter, you'll be more inclined to keep it clean. Here are our best tips on making your vanity a place of which you can be proud.

Get squeaky clean skin. The most important item to get clean during spring cleaning is your face! Throw out any products that haven't been working, and use only the cleanser and moisturizer that bring out the best in your skin. To make sure you're on the right track, read what our experts have to say about cleansing correctly.

Need some inspiration? Check out our Queen of Clean Giveaway, where you could win a slew of skincare products and some amazing bathroom items from .

What's your favorite cleaning trick? Share it with us in the comments.

Photo: Thinkstock

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